CLI Networking Lunch | Chatbot & goalsetting

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Education Lab - Erasmus University

Designing, developing, and deploying a chatbot to support student goal setting

Over the past few decades, higher education has seen a significant increase in the prevalence of technology-enhanced learning. This shift has offered the opportunity to expand and grow both research and educational practice in many novel directions, but in these increasingly self-directed learning environments, the need for students to be able to effectively self-regulate their learning is more important than ever.

Conversational agents (or chatbots) offer a resource-efficient and powerful means of offering students personalized support, although there is still a need for research from an educational sciences perspective on how to effectively design, develop, and deploy them.

During this presentation, Gabrielle Martins Van Jaarsveld will discuss her current work on using conversational agents to support academic goal setting in higher education students. She will share her experiences on how to design and develop conversational agents, as well as how they can be effectively used to support student goal setting.