The CaT: Sensor-based deliberate practice to extend the expert's presence

During the ECTEL 2022 conference Oliver, our LDE-CEL MSc. student, presented his paper. 

This paper reports the development in the context of "Calligraphy Tutor" (CaT) which supports experts with training in calligraphy/handwriting. The CaT emphasises the Deliberate Practice of calligraphy to multiple students at a time, by extending the expert's reach with sensor-based technology. Calligraphy/handwriting is a difficult psychomotor skill to learn, requiring many hours of practice under close supervision making it difficult to access. Deliberate Practice is an expert-student learning framework which requires the expert's constant supervision and fine-grained control over students' practice. The CaT software supports experts to train several students at a time, with several features such as highly customizable automated feedback based on performance recordings of the expert, and the ability to record and analyse the student practice sessions allowing for close supervision without requiring the expert to be consistently present.
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