Choosing a Formative Assessment Stance

Jan Nedermeijer

Formative Assessment That Truly Informs Instruction. Approved by the NCTE Executive Committee October 21, 2013″.  Source: Twitter account Dominique Sluijsmans.

As school decision makers are poised to select new assessments, we urge them to choose a path that supports a formative assessment stance. Teachers deserve protected time and quality support as they learn to observe closely and analyse deeply; students deserve a classroom context that allows teachers to do this. Over time, this professional development raises the quality of teaching and, in turn, the level of student learning. The more teachers can see and understand what students are doing, the better they can support those students in their learning.

Beyond that, decision makers can critically analyse what authentic formative assessment is and is not. Teachers and administrators together can choose and create tools and strategies that will truly inform practice, support students, and improve learning.

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