Higher Education Best Practices – Teaching & Learning

Jan Nedermeijer

From the website: NEA National Education Association

Since 1999, NEA has partnered with the Professional and Organizational Development (POD) Network to provide practical advice to college and university faculty on how to more effectively teach higher education students. Their Thriving in Academe guides have included guides to using social media in the classroom, how to command the attention of students, how to “flip” your classroom, how to teach for “deep learning,” and more.

The Best College Teacher
How do we get better as teachers? What you can learn from the outstanding teachers around you.

Inside-Out Classrooms
Let the Internet deliver your lectures AFTER class, so that you can use your class time more wisely.

Get Their Attention
Have you ever faced disengaged, unfocused students? It’s frustrating, right? Learn how to get their learning back on track.

Helping Students Embrace Deep Learning
The concept that one size fits all doesn’t have much of a place in education since we’ve begun to understand better how brains work and people learn. This issue’s Thriving in Academe author suggests ways instructors can use the Kolb Learning Style Index to identify their own cognitive processing preferences and those of their students. From this knowledge they can develop more effective teaching strategies.