Impact project

Colleagues of CEL and the faculty of TPM are participating in the IMPACT project: Improving Academic Teaching and Internalisation through Enhanced Competencies of University Teachers. 

Aim of IMPACT is to improve internationalization and student learning through enhancing competences of university teachers of the universities of Bratislava and Brno.  The project runs from September 2019 until September 2022.

The project will have the following outcomes:

  • The curriculum of a professional development course supporting academics to teach international students: a four-semester course to support teachers to design curricula of undergraduate and graduate courses and teach international students;
  • A series of face-to-face workshops offered in one semester;
  • Participants designing curricula of undergraduate or graduate courses in the following semester;
  • Practical implementation of these course designs in the third semester;
  • Writing course evaluation report in the final semester;
  • A five-day academic writing course for humanities and social science teachers;
  • A dedicated web portal showcasing good teaching practice at the university level;
  • A study evaluating the outcomes from two newly introduced courses, including how participant ability to reflect impacts their teaching and student learning;
  • A study exploring the role of trust in facilitating the integration of knowledge from professional development courses into participant practice;
  • A strategic cooperation plan for the professionalization of higher education teaching at the national and international levels.

Currently, we at CEL are building the web portal showcasing the results of the participants. 
On the project website, all info can be found. 

More information
Project Impact