Inspiring Examples of Educational Innovation with ICT

Knowledge session offered by The Digital Learning and Innovation team, Erasmus MC

Mary Dankbaar, Mathijs Doets, Stijn van Mierlo, Sebastiaan Hols, Eva van Venrooij

At the Erasmus Medical Centre ICT and other technology are used in medical education for more than 20 years, but since almost two years a Quality Impulse with E-learning project started to accelerate developments and implementation. Students, teachers, board and staff were all involved in generating ideas to reach general and programme specific goals. Good support to teachers was found a crucial factor for success.

The Digital Learning and Innovation team showed a few examples they developed and implemented that were very inspiring indeed, according to the more than 50 teachers, educational advisors, instructional designers and other staff that were present.

More information can be found on the DLI website

Mary Dankbaar



Simulation & Games

Simulation and games

Clinical reasoning is one of the most important skills of a doctor, so the more students can practise, the better. Using simulations and virtual patients are a great way to create a safe environment to practise as much as possible before students are confronted with real (simulated) patients. Moreover the diversity of pathologies can be increased as is the diversity of patients.

Students learn how to make good decisions with limited information and failures are not live threatening. After assessing the patients, the files are transferred to the teachers. Teachers and students discuss the files in small groups of 12 students.

To create a challenging realistic training environment for MSc students , an ABCDE Sim game is developed. The ABCDE protocol is a structured method to treat patients in emergency rooms: treat first what kills first. In a simulates emergency room students can choose a treatment and execute it on an virtual patient.

For BSc students an app to recognise irregular heart- and lung sounds is developed.

Most important and challenging in developing serious games is the right alignment between learning goals, gameplay and context.


Digital Portfolio and Digital Assessment

Digital Portfolio

In medical education digital portfolios are used to prepare students to work with patients. BSc students have to assemble portfolios to be assessed on their professional skills. Portfolios of MSc students are summative and used during and after their internships. In these portfolios the CANMED framework is used to assure unambiguous assessment.

Future plans include more control for students and more development portfolios. Challenges are to increase the assessment scale and adequate mentoring for the students.

Digital assessment is used to in written exams of MSc students. A large database with questions is available based on a test matrix per subject. Challenge is to put together tests with questions that are new for the students as the students try to memorize questions and exchange questions with their peers. Therefor students are shown their results without insight in the questions.


E-modules and videoclips

E-modulesIn this session the team showed in and outs of their designing process of E-modules and video clips. The implementation and place in the course were elaborated by showing some good practises: Internal Medicine, Allergology and Medicine of the week. Videos and clips were used to flip the classroom. Students prepare at home and come to Interactive meetings so these meetings with the teacher are more profound and effective.





Introduction by Mary Dankbaar (1.32 MB)
Session A - E Modules and Videoclips (1.09 MB)
Session B - Simulation and Serious games (12.88 MB)
Session C1 - Digitaal Toetsen (720.43 KB)
Session C2 - Portfolio (850.35 KB)
More information
DLI Website