Research-based learning and Problem-based Learning

Maarten van de Ven

Recently a new book on the relation between Problem Based Learning and research-based learning has been published. The authors describe and reflect on 5 years of practical experience with a new educational concept at Maastricht University and offer lessons learned from the implementation of research based learning at Maastricht University. Well-known for its problem based learning (PBL) educational model, Maastricht University implemented research-based learning (RBL) as a new educational concept in addition to PBL, around 2009. The model has taken the shape of an excellence programme offering third-year bachelor students an opportunity to conduct academic research together with academic staff. The introduction of the research-based learning concept into the programmes of all Maastricht University’s faculties has resulted in a range of RBL models that vary to fit the various disciplines and programmes offered by the faculties. The book first presents theoretical models and a description of the concepts of research-based learning and undergraduate research (UGR). The book contains among other a chapter offering an overview of the literature on research-based education by Roeland van der Rijst. Next, by means of case studies, it describes the formulas developed to suit the various programmes, the challenges encountered, the initial reservations on the part of the staff, the limitations caused by regulations and demands of the curricula, as well as the successes and results of the excellence programme. The disciplines described in the case studies include psychology and neuroscience, knowledge engineering, social and cultural sciences, law, and business and economics.

More information
Bastiaens, E., van Tilburg, J. & van Merriënboer, J. (Eds.). (2017). Research-B…