Self-regulated learning

Jan Nedermeijer

There are several ways to stimulate self-regulated learning in university students.

Teachers can stress the use of an effective and efficient study plan, which enhance an important component of self-regulated learning: planning. For example by encouraging students to create a to-do list and to make room for self-study time every day. Teachers can also apply this in the course that is given by creating mini-deadlines. That way, students are required to spend time on self-study and are encouraged to plan their self-study carefully.

Another way to stimulate self-regulated learners is to focus on critical thinking skills. Asking critical questions help students to learn more in-depth and understand the learning material better. To apply critical thinking in education, teachers could ask in-depth questions to students themselves, but they can also steer students to ask critical questions to each other. Students could, for example, explain certain theories/principles/findings of the to-be-learned materials to each other in couples or in small groups.